ℹ️ About

Occasionally, we share Q&As with community members in our monthly newsletters.

🗞️ Previous Q&As

Rob Broderick

Rob Broderick

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Subscribe to the newsletter for updates on future events in the community!

If you're interested in helping out, fill out our interest form!

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Please feel free to get in touch anytime!

🦁 Get Involved

Subscribe to the newsletter for updates on future events in the community!

If you're interested in helping out with Columbia in Tech events and initiatives, fill out our volunteer interest form!

Please feel free to get in touch anytime!

💌 Get in Touch

🦁 Get Involved

Subscribe to the newsletter for updates on future events in the community!

If you're interested in helping out with Columbia in Tech events and initiatives, fill out our volunteer interest form!

Please feel free to get in touch anytime!

💌 Get in Touch

🦁 Get Involved

Subscribe to the newsletter for updates on future events in the community!

If you're interested in helping out with Columbia in Tech events and initiatives, fill out our volunteer interest form!

Please feel free to get in touch anytime!

💌 Get in Touch

Columbia in Tech is an alumni volunteer-led effort. It is not an official program and has no legal affiliation with Columbia University.

Columbia in Tech is an alumni volunteer-led effort. It is not an official program and has no legal affiliation with Columbia University.